
shipping info
all orders are shipped from Taipei,Taiwan. once your item has been shipped, you will receive a shipping confirmation with tracking upon shipment. if item is made to order, and will ship in 1-3 business days. thank you for your patience ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀ˉ͈́ )

domestic shipping
all orders shipped via 711. 

international shipping
our website only offers shipping within Taiwan.
if you are international please email us or DM us on instagram to see what we can do! shipping fee might be different depending on region.


國內包裹皆以711店到店的方式寄出 商品寄出後須等待1-3個工作天(不含假日)
現貨商品3天內會寄出 所有商品寄出後會email通知並附上物流代碼

本網站目前尚未開放國際運送 如果在國外的朋友想要購買
歡迎email至 我們會盡可能的協助您!
國際包裹的運費也會因地區的不同而改變 還請見諒(づ-̩̩̩-̩̩̩_-̩̩̩-̩̩̩)づ  
